well. havent updated yeah i know.. heh. feeling kinda down..over all that happened over these past two days. doreen and my grades. so yeah...
seriously it really made me realize that i've taken all my friends forgranted. that they wud always be here, a significant or insignificant part of my life. and suddenly, she just left. just like that.no warning, no hint whatesoever. true, she was born with this illness and doctors gave her arnd 14 years to live... but i mean.. what happened to the miracles and all?why? i guess its a really stupid question. cos no one here can give me a sensible answer to that.. but i was really shaken by the news.. for some reason..
and i realized too, that although she wasn't healthy like most of us, she did very well in her studies. since primary school, she was in the best classes all the way. and it made me feel very ashamed of myself. that i dont try hard enough..
i guess, there really is more to life. than studies and school. but what? what is it that we're deprived of.. what is it that we should be pursuing but not trying hard enough... i think i knowthe answer.. but i'm not sure.. i think that we may be focusing on the wrong things... but what if i'm wrong? i dont know...i just pray that it will be a LONG time before i have to attend another funeral...