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•Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:52 AM•
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okay so promos are over now. seems like i only blog after every exam. hahaha. i think i'm amazed at how God has changed me so much. the way i view studies and exams, my future, life etc. it's way cool :) but i know i forget ever so often, that i need not worry and i need not fear, that so long i study with Him in mind and enjoy it, He's pleased, and that's more than enough for me.

i know yunxing and joelynn have learnt this too! i'm gladgladglad.

sometimes i think about the future- will i promote? will i study in s'pore or will i go overseas? if i go overseas, will i come back? when? will the great tribulation happen in our lifetime? would i be able to live through it in faith and perseverance? - and then i find that in all of life's uncertainties, i can only turn to God for solace, cos only He knows, and only He is in control. And the reason why this brings me peace? Because if He could die for me (while i was His enemy), He would do anything else to help me.

haha, oh ytd i was walking out of sch and i bumped into my econs teacher, miss kat. not really bumped, she drove up next to me and asked if i wanted a lift out (it was really hot, see
?) haha. gorgeous. i was just dreading the looong walk out. then she rmbred she had to get sth
from rail mall, so all the better for moi! miss kat's so cool, and her car's real cool too. all blue. told you colour coding's cool? hahahah. find me a replacement for the word 'cool'! anyway, she was asking me why i didnt hang out with the rest of the class and i thought ''actually, why arh?'' i mean, i think the class is quite nice after all..my vp's talk a long time ago help me remember to be joyful where i am, cos it's where God put me. (not that he said that, he can't. ) but you know, for the record, 4D is still way abv it up there! when're we having class chalet? not this year end i presume, it's too late to book anything right? boohoo. lets have a stayover!
and how abt 2B! we're also supp to have one!! dear me, i've got to remind somebody(s).

Loving you all and remembering every single one of my friends, good friends, best friends, long-time friends, and even acquaintences (did i spell that right?) (like the halfblind uncle at dover coffeeshop.) [no, i don't love him but i remember him, i mean.]

*anybody game to get a job in nov? heheh. i need to buy things, see?