update for those who still read my kinda-dead blog :D
my exams just ended today! i went for a supposed shopping trip but ended up buying just some top i didnt even plan to get. haha. reminds me of the time i went out with jacq for like dunno how long and only bought one dress. phft.
tmr i'm playing tennis in sch! yays. my tennis is kinda sucky now i forgot my backhand. oh well.
and oh, i'd just like to say thanks veryvery much to those who brought me out to celebrate my bday :):) i had loads of fun eating at sizzlers and understanding the whole 'less is more' concept and hanging out with my belovedest jacq and grace and laughing at the doughnut queue that never moved and watching oceans13 which was totally cool and having yummy seafood pasta for dinner and the boat quay dinner which was so funny cos i kept complaining that everybody's taking so long and where are they when they were at the place already. hoho. and catching up with my sec2 friends who never fail to make me smile :P:P:P which reminds me, i havent gotten any photos yet! :S but thank you everybody veryvery much!
all in all, life's been good. with God everything's good :)
hope that everything's good with you too!!
p.s founder's day dinner :$35 ?!!!